The strength and potential success of your business relies heavily on the team you create. It’s impossible to do everything alone – there aren’t enough hours in the day – and ultimately, every startup owner needs to build up a team of people around them that they trust. But what, exactly, is the makeup of a successful organisation? We’re going to take a look at everything you need to know right now – so let’s dive in and explore how to create the perfect team for your startup.
Prioritise Positions
There is little point in hiring people just for the sake of it – it’s a waste of time and resources, and you will struggle to find the right people if you go down this route. In the initial stages, your founders are the most influential people to find, and as a group, you will be able to make better decisions about where you need to focus regarding employees. Prioritising positions involves thinking about the type of talent you need – and in the early stages, it should all be about making money. Whether that is a product building team or a marketing department – or both – is down to where you are and who you need to complete your team.
As a startup, it’s doubtful that you will have the budget to build up teams for every department, as nice as doing that may be. What you are looking for in the early stages is plenty of flexibility – people that are happy to contribute towards all areas of your business. Titles and formal roles are all well and good, but at the end of the day, you will need people to step up into many different situations and flexibility is key.

Do you have the systems in place to take on employees? It’s far more important than you think. A proper payroll system is essential, for example, and it might even be worth considering hiring an HR professional to deal with all the regulations and rules you need to be aware of. You might benefit from investing in absence management software, too, or productivity tracking applications. When you get the right systems in place for managing employees, you will find it much easier to manage, motivate, and reward them.
Personality is often a greater indicator of a good fit for your startup than experience, Of course, you want to have people around that know what they are doing. But fitting into the cultural environment of your startup is so much more important than a list of qualifications and experiences. We’re not saying you need to be best buddies with everyone – far from it, in fact. But you do need to be aware that you will be working together in a tight-knit team, and there needs to be an element of a candidate’s personality that fits.
Finally, successful startups are often made up of diverse team members. Diversity brings a lot to the table and can be hugely beneficial. For example, let’s say you are the CEO and like taking a risk or two. You might benefit from finding a CFO that is able to put the brakes on a little. Having the diverse mix enables you to make better decisions, and balance each other out.
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Masterhouse Media is an innovative digital consulting agency from Vancouver, BC specializing in web development and mobile apps. Masterhouse is best known for launching the popular Internet portal Clubvibes.com in 1999, one of the first social media platforms on the Internet. The company is currently focused on building digital strategies and premium websites for clients. Find out more at masterhouse.net