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Never assume your identity is safe online. From using the same passwords repeatedly to clicking on email links that you aren’t sure about, you are putting yourself at risk of a cyber attack. Not only will this compromise your online identity, but you might also lose sensitive information that might pertain to your business; a surefire way to annoy your customers! Take care then, and consider the following as just some of the ways to keep the hackers out!

1. Protect your IP address when using public wifi

You may thrill to the freedom of free wifi at your local library or coffee shop, but public wifi networks are often unsecured, meaning a hacker can intercept any data you are sharing through the IP address you are using. Should you regularly make use of public wifi, you should both look up your IP address and then disguise it through a VPN service. There is more information available within the previous link.

2. Don’t click on dodgy-looking links

Got an email telling you to ‘click here’ for a tax refund? Has your bank emailed you, asking you to confirm your details by opening an attachment? In both cases, delete the emails! These are both examples of phishing emails, targeted attacks that are intended to steal your personal information and/or get into your computer system. Never ever click on a link or open an attachment that you weren’t expecting, and check out these phishing scam signs, so you know what to look out for when a suspicious looking email lands in your inbox.


3. Don’t use common or similar passwords

With the hundreds of accounts you have online, from email to social media accounts, you can’t be blamed for getting a little forgetful when it comes to remembering the passwords for each. You might consider using the same password repeatedly, and/or you might choose something that you won’t forget, such as your pet’s name or your date of birth. And therein lies the problem. Should a hacker get access to your system, they will easily get into your personal accounts, steal your identity, and create merry havoc in your life. To protect yourself then, use a random password generator to both create and safely manage the passwords you set up online. You won’t need to remember them, and the hacker will have a much harder time trying to gain access to your system.

4. Update your antivirus software

Sure, it’s a pain when you’re busy doing something online, and a popup arrives asking you to update your software. But consider the alternative. Despite the hassle of waiting for the update to download, that’s better than a hacker getting access to your computer. As hackers are always looking to use new methods to attack you, your antivirus software provider will constantly be sending you updates to combat new threats. If you haven’t already, download one of these antivirus programmes, and to avoid being inconvenienced too much, schedule updates for times when you are least likely to use your computer.

Hackers are everywhere, and they could be looking over your virtual shoulders right now! Eliminate them from your life by following our suggestions, and you will have a much safer time when you’re spending your time online.

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Masterhouse Media is an innovative digital consulting agency from Vancouver, BC specializing in web development and mobile apps. Masterhouse is best known for launching the popular Internet portal in 1999, one of the first social media platforms on the Internet. The company is currently focused on building digital strategies and premium websites for clients. Find out more at