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Everybody wants to be loved, and your company is no different. To ensure long-term success, you need to build a positive relationship with your existing customers, and to be in the habit of bringing new ones on board, too. While we’re all pretty sure of a few ways to make the public happy, many of us overlook some of the ways that can end up annoying them. So if you want to keep the public on your side, make sure you’re not doing one of the things listed below….

Harass Them

If it were up to you, you’d be in a never-ending dialogue with your customers. They’d give you all the feedback that you asked for; they’d snap up on any special offers you’d send into their inbox, and be positively enthusiastic when you called them up to remind them that they haven’t logged in for a while. But this is all one-sided: your customers may be the most important thing to your company, but your company only occupies a tiny part of your customer’s mind. As such, make sure you’re not reaching out too often. Nothing will make your customer hit the ‘unsubscribe’ button more quickly than too many emails.

You’re Only Talking About Yourself

Your customers most likely enjoy your company. They like the vibe, the branding, the things your company is doing. But if they’re going to stay on board, especially on mediums like Facebook and Twitter, then you can’t make it all about you. It’s a big world, and there are certainly going to be a few other issues besides what’s happening in HQ that you could be talking about. While you should be talking about your business, make sure you’re expressing an awareness of all the other good things that are happening in your community and the wider world.

Your Website Has Issues

Your website is the heart of your online presence; some people think it’s your social media accounts, but this is wrong – every springs outwards from your website. And if it’s riddled with annoying issues, then you’ll quickly find that your visitor numbers are beginning to drop. Remember that people are impatient creatures; when they’re browsing a site, they expect a web page built for speed. Beyond that, it’s about keeping anything invasive – pop-ups, autoplay videos, and the like – to a minimum.

Dismissing Constructive Criticism

You might think that you know best when it comes to your business, but really, whatever’s best for your business will be determined by what’s best for your customers! If you receive some constructive feedback, then act on it. If a customer is trying to tell you how to improve, then there’s little point getting defensive – take it on board. You’ll be unlikely to be steered in a wrong direction.

Bluffing Your Way Through

Finally, make sure you really know what you’re talking about! Customers hate it when a company rep bluffs their way through a conversation, or when it seems like they’re just saying what they think they want to hear. Know your stuff!

Websites by Masterhouse

Masterhouse Media is an innovative digital consulting agency from Vancouver, BC specializing in web development and mobile apps. Masterhouse is best known for launching the popular Internet portal in 1999, one of the first social media platforms on the Internet. The company is currently focused on building digital strategies and premium websites for clients. Find out more at