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Digital marketing remains one of the best ways to reach target consumers in 2018. The measurable nature of digital marketing and the fact that you can execute the best campaigns even when you are on a limited budget makes digital marketing even more popular among small and medium enterprises.

To produce the biggest impact, however, you need to formulate and execute suitable digital marketing strategies based on the target audience you want to reach. With the digital marketing challenges of 2018 taken into account, here are the 3 most important things you need to know before you get started:

Content as Your Foundation

The amount of content you share as part of the digital marketing campaign is no longer the most important metric. Today, quality is considered more valuable than quantity, especially considering how the audience now have more options and plenty of quality content sources.

To place content as the foundation of your digital marketing efforts, you need to invest more in the quality of the content you produce. By content, I mean everything from the product descriptions you post to the content marketing efforts you put in to attract more viewers.

Content quality also matters in social media and video marketing. The latter is a hot trend that will be the highlight of 2018 too; it is time to invest more into producing high quality videos to attract more viewers and potential customers.

User Experience and Customer Journey

Every digital marketing campaign needs to start thinking about the customers’ journey. For the campaigns to be effective, you need to channel them through several stages in a smooth and seamless way. Gone are the days of running individual digital marketing campaigns that don’t really support each other. Today, everything is about a continuous story.

Experts from the New England College and students pursuing their marketing degree confirmed this in a series of studies they complied. Customers are more attached to a good story and an enjoyable journey than individual messages or blunt promotional offers. By having a good flow and presenting the customers with a positive user experience, you are a step closer to building better relationships with the audience.

Aim for Lifetime Value

Speaking of building a strong relationship, 2018 is also the year when customer lifetime value starts being used more often. Instead of limiting digital marketing efforts based on user acquisition budget, businesses can now have more flexibility with their marketing efforts, knowing that customers can have a higher lifetime value in return.

The New England College Online marketing department agrees with this new trend too. There is an increasing number of businesses – particularly startups – that spend more on their marketing efforts than the customers’ first purchase amounts. This may seem like a loss at first, but the CLV is much higher in most cases.

Keep these three things in mind and you can face the digital marketing challenges of 2018 better. With a well-crafted campaign, it doesn’t take long before you start seeing great results from the digital marketing efforts you do to reach the target customers.

Websites by Masterhouse

Masterhouse Media is an innovative digital consulting agency from Vancouver, BC specializing in web development and mobile apps. Masterhouse is best known for launching the popular Internet portal in 1999, one of the first social media platforms on the Internet. The company is currently focused on building digital strategies and premium websites for clients. Find out more at